Abwasserverband Altenrhein, Switzerland
Control system for micropollutants elimination installation (EMV) and upgrade of fixed bed biology system (FB)
In an initial phase, the FB control system was upgraded. The second phase comprised the construction of the 4thpurification stage. The new EMV installation with 2 ozone generators and reactors, 4 main pumps, 8 granular activated carbon filters and various ancillary systems for the 4thpurification stage is installed in a new building complex. The investments made now allow micropollutants and trace substances to be eliminated in compliance with legal regulations.
Abwasserverband Altenrhein, Switzerland
Plant type
Sewage treatment plant
Project execution
2018 to 2019
Project scope
- 3’000 data points
Our services
- Creation of all structured process descriptions
- Engineering of PROFINET network
- Programming of software
- Project engineering of visualisation system
- Signal test and start-up
- Operator training
Technology applied
- automationX
- PLC redundancy
Christian Vetsch, Head of Department Software Engineering, Schmid Automation AG