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Happy master brewers in Western Switzerland

Western Switz­er­land, the French-spea­king part of the coun­try, is gene­ral­ly known for its fine wines. But with its com­pa­ny num­ber of 579, it also con­tri­bu­tes to the lar­gest den­si­ty of bre­we­ries in the world, with a total of 926 bre­we­ries throug­hout Switzerland.

A new bre­wing hou­se was han­ded over to the master bre­wers of the Bras­se­rie La Nébu­leu­se on 31 March 2018. Sin­ce then, they have again been suc­cessful­ly bre­wing their tra­di­tio­nal brews and sea­so­nal spe­cia­li­ty beers.

Alo­ne the capa­ci­ty increa­se from the for­mer 15 hec­to­li­t­res to today’s 40 hec­to­li­t­res is impres­si­ve. But thanks to the hig­her level of auto­ma­ti­on, the fle­xi­bi­li­ty in pro­du­cing the rough­ly 40 dif­fe­rent types of beer has also increa­sed. Ano­ther con­spi­cuous impro­ve­ment is the hig­her qua­li­ty assu­rance in pro­du­cing this ran­ge of brews.

The for­mu­la manage­ment system allo­ws easy sel­ec­tion, crea­ti­on, saving and modi­fi­ca­ti­on of the beer for­mu­la varie­ties. Para­me­ter adjust­ments allow direct inter­ven­ti­on and fine-tuning of the pro­duc­tion pro­cess with ongo­ing pro­duc­tion in order to take account of spe­ci­fic situa­tions. Such ope­ra­ti­ons, too, are com­ple­te­ly docu­men­ted in the system to ensu­re opti­mal traceability.

Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on with its team pro­vi­ded the fol­lo­wing services:

  • Crea­ti­on of the pro­cess descrip­ti­on in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the plant builder
  • Pro­gramming / visua­li­sa­ti­on of the enti­re soft­ware for bre­wing hou­se control
  • Design and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the visua­li­sa­ti­on system
  • Com­ple­te elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring and cons­truc­tion of all the elec­tric switch­gear cabinets
  • On-site instal­la­ti­on manage­ment of elec­tri­cal installations
  • Com­mis­sio­ning within the spe­ci­fi­ed time
  • Pro­duc­tion sup­port, ope­ra­tor trai­ning, fine-tuning of operations
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