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LANDI Sense Düdingen, Düdingen, Switzerland

Modernization KOSA-silo

As part of the moder­nizati­on pro­ject, the relay con­trol system of the silo plant from 1969, 1974 and 1980 was repla­ced with a sta­te-of-the-art con­trol system. In addi­ti­on, a net­work con­nec­tion was estab­lished bet­ween the alre­a­dy moder­ni­zed newer silos and the feed mill. This con­nec­tion enables effi­ci­ent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween the systems to ensu­re pro­duct transfer.

The added value for the cus­to­mer is that they have a modern con­trol system for the plant, for which spa­re parts are available again and which can be easi­ly main­tai­ned and expan­ded and which is enab­led for inter con­nec­ting with other systems such as the hig­her-level ERP system. The stan­dar­dizati­on makes it easier to chan­ge ope­ra­ting per­son­nel, and ope­ra­ting errors are hop­eful­ly mini­mi­zed by this con­trol system.


Lan­di Sen­se Düdingen

Plant type

Silo system

Project execution


Project scope

  • 650 data points
  • 2 MCC, total 4 fields
  • 1 Ope­ra­ting station
  • 1 Ser­ver as emer­gen­cy ser­vice station

Our services

  • Con­cept design and consulting
  • Stock-taking on site
  • Elec­tri­cal engineering
  • Instal­la­ti­on planning
  • Crea­ti­on of func­tion­al design specification
  • Pro­ject engi­nee­ring of visua­li­sa­ti­on system
  • Switch­gear construction
  • On-site con­ver­si­ons
  • Signal test and start-up

Technology applied

  • auto­ma­ti­onX
  • EPlan P8


Ali­ce Unter­san­der, Pro­cess Auto­ma­ti­on Con­sul­tant, Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG

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