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Markets Know-how

We generate true added value for our worldwide customers from the grain processing, beverages, life sciences and food industries as well as in the field of public infrastructure.

Beverage Industry

Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on is your auto­ma­ti­on part­ner in con­nec­tion with the updating and opti­mi­sing of exi­sting plants and buil­ding of new faci­li­ties in the bevera­ge indu­stry. Our cus­to­mers bene­fit from our deca­des of expe­ri­ence and the num­e­rous pro­jects we have exe­cu­ted up to now for bre­we­ries as well as soft drink, wine and fruit juice pro­du­cers. Renow­ned glo­bal com­pa­nies as well as small-sca­le pri­va­te bre­we­ries trust our exper­ti­se and the machi­ne and pro­cess con­trol systems that we sup­p­ly. To satis­fy your indi­vi­du­al needs and wis­hes, we can sup­p­ly the systems for con­trol­ling your inta­ke sec­tions and bre­w­hou­ses, your fer­men­ta­ti­on and sto­rage cel­lars or your fil­tra­ti­on and puri­fi­ca­ti­on systems, matching them opti­mal­ly to form a smooth­ly func­tio­ning inte­gral system. Spe­cial-pur­po­se designs and rebuilds of con­trol panels giving con­side­ra­ti­on to your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments can be imple­men­ted in a straight­for­ward way and within a short time by our in-hou­se con­trol panel cons­truc­tion shop.

Food Industry

The auto­ma­ti­on of food pro­duc­tion plants has always been a core com­pe­tence of Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on. Over the deca­des, we have ex­tended our exper­ti­se from the field of milk pro­ces­sing and cheese pro­duc­tion to the pro­duc­tion of cho­co­la­te, flour, bread, mues­li & snack foods and ice cream. Our vast expe­ri­ence in the field of pro­cess auto­ma­ti­on allo­ws our cus­to­mers to bene­fit from maxi­mum plant pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and uptime. Our machi­ne and pro­cess con­trol systems cover the requi­re­ments of indi­vi­du­al pro­ces­ses at all times. The deman­ding tracea­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments of the pro­ducts in the food indu­stry are met by com­pre­hen­si­ve and accu­ra­te log­ging of the re­levant data. Our in-hou­se con­trol panel cons­truc­tion shop enables spe­cial-pur­po­se designs and rebuilds to be imple­men­ted within a very short time and in a straight­for­ward man­ner in accordance with cus­to­mer requirements.

Grain Processing

Our deca­des of expe­ri­ence in the auto­ma­ti­on of mal­ting instal­la­ti­ons, mills, ani­mal feed mills and bulk sto­rage & hand­ling faci­li­ties allow our cus­to­mers to bene­fit from maxi­mum plant pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and uptime. Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on applies soft­ware tools that have been opti­mi­sed for pro­cess engi­nee­ring pur­po­ses. Its machi­ne and pro­cess con­trol systems cover the requi­re­ments of indi­vi­du­al pro­ces­ses at all times. The deman­ding tracea­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments of the pro­ducts pro­ces­sed in the grain indu­stry are met by com­pre­hen­si­ve and accu­ra­te log­ging of the rele­vant data. Our in-hou­se con­trol panel cons­truc­tion shop enables spe­cial-pur­po­se designs and rebuilds to be imple­men­ted within a very short time and in a straight­for­ward way in accordance with cus­to­mer requirements.

Lifesciences Industry

Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on is your auto­ma­ti­on part­ner when it comes to updating or opti­mi­sing exi­sting instal­la­ti­ons or buil­ding new faci­li­ties in the cons­truc­tion mate­ri­als indu­stry. Our cus­to­mers bene­fit from our vast expe­ri­ence and the num­e­rous pro­jects that we have exe­cu­ted in the mortar, paints and pla­stics indu­stries. Lar­ge, repu­ted natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­ons as well as small-sca­le pro­du­cers trust our exper­ti­se and the machi­ne and pro­cess con­trol systems that we sup­p­ly. Spe­cial-pur­po­se designs and con­trol panel rebuilds tail­o­red to cus­to­mers’ spe­ci­fic needs can be imple­men­ted within a very short time and in a straight­for­ward man­ner by our own in-hou­se con­trol panel cons­truc­tion shop.


Thanks to our long lasting expe­ri­ence of many years, we are your part­ner for the plan­ning and rea­li­sa­ti­on of ambi­tious and sophi­sti­ca­ted infras­truc­tu­re pro­jects from the con­di­tio­ning of drin­king water to the secu­ring of local and regio­nal water sup­p­ly and the tre­at­ment of waste water as much as com­plex traf­fic-con­trol systems.

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