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MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

We offer you the suitable process that will help you to take advantage of the opportunities offered by an MES in your production activities. Though you may have heard of MES before, you might be wondering how to roll out MES in your organisation. We will be pleased to assist you in executing your MES project.

Many of our cus­to­mers who have heard of MES befo­re, but have never expe­ri­en­ced a system live, approach us with the que­sti­on: «How do you tack­le an MES pro­ject?» Our rep­ly is: by using our pro­prie­ta­ry «Road to MES» pro­cess that we have deve­lo­ped in the con­text of our «Con­cept Design & Con­sul­ting» ser­vices packa­ge. In ans­we­ring this que­sti­on, we give a very high prio­ri­ty to iden­ti­fy­ing the exact goals that are to be rea­ched and to taking a struc­tu­red approach.

In an initi­al step, we ask our cus­to­mers what their main aim is when they deci­de to use an MES solution.

Is it for exam­p­le enhan­ced qua­li­ty, hig­her pro­cess relia­bi­li­ty or increa­sed efficiency?

In order to roll out the solu­ti­on suc­cessful­ly, we recom­mend to start with small steps, to defi­ne mile­sto­nes and to use every mile­stone to address and com­mu­ni­ca­te the chan­ge pro­cess within the orga­ni­sa­ti­on. Regard­less of the goals you are pur­suing – an MES roll­out is pri­ma­ri­ly a chan­ge manage­ment pro­cess within your company.

«Road to MES» process

As is

All exi­sting pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses are to be docu­men­ted and descri­bed at a high level. The main pur­po­se of this is to iden­ti­fy the most fre­quent pro­ces­ses, which it the­r­e­fo­re makes most sen­se to change.

To be

Based on the ana­ly­sis of the cur­rent sta­te, a future to-be sta­te is descri­bed. This inclu­des the system archi­tec­tu­re and con­cepts for the iden­ti­fi­ed are­as as well as the descrip­ti­ons of the indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses show­ing how they will be exe­cu­ted in the future. This means that initi­al user requi­re­ments are deve­lo­ped in this pha­se. Buil­ding upon this foun­da­ti­on, a fit-gap ana­ly­sis is per­for­med and a descrip­ti­on is pro­vi­ded of ever­ything that still has to be done to reach the desi­red sta­te. As ear­ly as during this pha­se, at least a qua­li­ta­ti­ve cost-to-bene­fit ana­ly­sis must be performed.

Proof of concept

In the pro­of of con­cept pha­se, a detail­ed design is estab­lished for a sel­ec­ted area. It iden­ti­fi­es the chan­ges nee­ded in this area to achie­ve the to-be sta­te. This is fol­lo­wed by a fea­si­bi­li­ty check and one or the other system sup­plier is reque­sted to map some aspects of the­se chan­ges in a poten­ti­al system.

The second important step of this pha­se is to fur­ther deve­lop the qua­li­ta­ti­ve cost-to-bene­fit ana­ly­sis. Among other things, this will enable you to iden­ti­fy the chan­ges that should be made first in order to gene­ra­te the big­gest bene­fit as quick­ly as possible.

System evaluation

Based on the con­cepts and ana­ly­ses plus the insights gai­ned from the pro­of of con­cept, a tech­ni­cal and com­mer­cial system sel­ec­tion is now made. For this, invi­ta­ti­ons to ten­der must be crea­ted and sup­pliers must be invi­ted to pre­sent their systems. It is also important to visit show­ca­se systems and to enga­ge in an exch­an­ge with other users who have alre­a­dy gone through this pro­cess and can descri­be their expe­ri­en­ces. Based on the docu­men­ta­ti­on and pri­ces sub­mit­ted and the impres­si­ons gai­ned from the­se visits, a system eva­lua­ti­on is estab­lished and a recom­men­da­ti­on is given.


On the basis of the system sel­ec­ted, the designs crea­ted in the pro­of of con­cept stage are fur­ther refi­ned into a con­cre­te pro­to­ty­pe and imple­men­ted in the pro­to­ty­p­ing pha­se. It is now neces­sa­ry to veri­fy whe­ther the pro­jec­ted chan­ges and bene­fits will inde­ed mate­ria­li­se as ori­gi­nal­ly intended. 

Rollout planning

In the roll­out plan­ning pha­se, the addi­tio­nal pro­ces­ses are defi­ned that are to be inte­gra­ted over time. Docu­ments are crea­ted describ­ing which acti­vi­ties are to be per­for­med at which point of time. Moreo­ver, cost esti­ma­tes are made. This also inclu­des sche­du­ling and finan­cial expen­dit­u­re plans.

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