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Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to our two app­ren­ti­ces Mau­ro Mügg­ler (left) and Nico Scho­ber (right) on suc­cessful­ly completing…

OEE cockpit in the food industry

In the past, Ori­or Manage­ment AG’s seven sites used paper and Excel to manu­al­ly record…

Digitalisation solution for cheese dairy

Our digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on solu­ti­on for cheese dai­ries is a tail­or-made plat­form desi­gned to maxi­mi­se effi­ci­en­cy, quality…

Happy holidays

We thank you for the good coope­ra­ti­on and wish you, your employees and your family…

Farewell Karl

After more than 43 years of ser­vice for Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG, Karl Zol­ler tran­si­tio­ned into…

Electrical diagram from the cloud

The elec­tri­cal dia­gram is pro­vi­ded via a brow­ser on a mobi­le device in the field…

ORIOR Group rolls out OEE Cockpit

ORIOR Group and Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG sign a con­tract to roll out an OEE cockpit…


We will be par­ti­ci­pa­ting in GLUG 23. Visit us at booth 103. Tickets are available…

Condition monitoring with smart frequency inverters

In the digi­tal indu­stri­al envi­ron­ment, modern con­di­ti­on moni­to­ring and main­ten­an­ce of machi­nes is car­ri­ed out…

Happy holidays

We thank you for the good coope­ra­ti­on and wish you, your employees and your family…

TAKEOVER OF SCHMID AUTOMATION — Simon Sauter completes management buy-out

We are plea­sed to inform you that the manage­ment buy-out pro­cess of Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG,…

Welcome Dominik Kovacs

On 2 August 2022, Domi­nik Kovacs began his shor­ten­ed 2‑year app­ren­ti­ce­ship as «Auto­ma­ti­ker EFZ» (auto­ma­ti­on engineer)…


During the 2022 Sum­mer Par­ty, our Mana­ging Direc­tor Simon Sau­ter (3rd from left) was able…

Operation at the “open heart”

Kunz Kun­ath AG moder­nis­ed the mecha­nics and con­trol system of silo 72 during ope­ra­ti­on. Silo…

Digitisation, data recording and tracing

Seam­less data recor­ding and tracea­bi­li­ty is a regu­la­to­ry requi­re­ment in the grain pro­ces­sing or food…

Oro de Cacao

In Frei­en­bach in the can­ton of Schwyz, inve­stors around Die­ter Mei­er built a modern chocolate…

Happy holidays

We thank you for the good coope­ra­ti­on and wish you, your employees and your family…

Digital fabrication control Güntensperger Käse AG

Today we were able to put the pro­to­ty­pe for digi­tal pro­duc­tion con­trol into ope­ra­ti­on at…

IO-Link field cabling

We suc­cessful­ly com­mis­sio­ned a pro­cess con­trol system with IO-Link sensors/actuators. As part of the peripheral…

Successful acceptance test at Käserei Nietlispach AG in Untereggen

Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG suc­cessful­ly instal­led and com­mis­sio­ned a new pro­cess con­trol system at the cheese…

Happy holidays

We thank you for the good coope­ra­ti­on and wish you, your employees and your family…

Schmid Automation now partners with Actyx to interconnect your islands of automation!

We now also inte­gra­te Actyx, the extre­me­ly exci­ting digi­ta­lizati­on plat­form. Actyx is a sta­te-of-the-art platform…

Welcome Mauro Müggler and Nico Schober

On August 3, 2020 Mau­ro Mügg­ler and Nico Scho­ber star­ted their 4‑year app­ren­ti­ce­ship as «Auto­ma­ti­ker…

Successful final apprenticeship exams 2020 — We are proud of you!

We con­gra­tu­la­te our app­ren­ti­ces Simon Hüber­li, Simon Aeger­ter and Ced­ric Hof­mei­ster on the suc­cessful completion…

Our business process «Road to MES»

Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on, indu­stry 4.0, IoT, MES are curr­ent­ly wide­ly-used buz­zwords. Based on our experience…

Successful hand over at Meyerhans Mühlen AG in Weinfelden

The pro­cess auto­ma­ti­on pro­ject in the Mil­ling Divi­si­on com­pri­sed the Das Pro­zess­au­to­ma­ti­ons-Pro­jekt im Bereich Müllerei…

Online commissioning during Covid19

Due to tra­vel rest­ric­tions, our soft­ware engi­neer Remo is curr­ent­ly com­mis­sio­ning a brew hou­se in…


Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG wish to thank ever­yo­ne who works in the heal­th­ca­re system and indeed…

Corona virus, current situation

Curr­ent­ly we con­ti­n­ue to work from home when­ever pos­si­ble. Our employees in the work­shop are…

Absolvententag ZHAW 2020

Come and visit us at the Absol­ven­ten­tag ZHAW on 26 Febru­ary 2020 in the Eulachhalle…

Happy holidays

We thank you for the good coope­ra­ti­on and wish you, your employees and your family…

SchmidForum 2019

First ever Schmid­Fo­rum held last Fri­day fol­lo­wed by a tre­a­su­re hunt through St Gal­len. Great…

Welcome Valentino Keric

We wel­co­me Valen­ti­no Keric cor­di­al­ly to our team. He star­ted his four-year voca­tio­nal trai­ning to…

Congratulations to Silas

Silas Nett has suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted his app­ren­ti­ce­ship as Auto­ma­ti­on Engi­neer EFZ. The who­le Schmid Automation…

Happy master brewers in Western Switzerland

Western Switz­er­land, the French-spea­king part of the coun­try, is gene­ral­ly known for its fine wines.…

Protect nature in the steineggwald forest

Tog­e­ther with the wild­life trust WWF, we used our free Satur­day for working on a…

Maine Beer Company did it right again!

Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG pro­vi­ded elec­tri­cal instal­la­ti­on solu­ti­on for their new Kün­zel malt crus­hing plant by…

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