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OEE cockpit in the food industry

In the past, Ori­or Manage­ment AG’s seven sites used paper and Excel to manu­al­ly record and ana­ly­se good quan­ti­ties and defect pat­terns with down­ti­mes. To sim­pli­fy this, an OEE cock­pit was deve­lo­ped for the Ori­or Group. Each line uses a Zebra QR code scan­ner, a line dis­play and a pul­se recor­der. The appli­ca­ti­on detects pro­duc­tion or down­ti­me through machi­ne pul­ses and indi­ca­tes faults through QR code scan­ning. The line dis­play acts as a live OEE dash­board, show­ing cur­rent and future orders. Team lea­ders enter orders and edit master data in the appli­ca­ti­on. The data is trans­fer­red via a data­ba­se to the customer’s busi­ness intel­li­gence tool for eva­lua­ti­on and analysis.

Bene­fits for the customer:

  • Auto­ma­ted instead of manu­al data entry
  • Impro­ved data quality
  • Cen­tra­li­sed ana­ly­sis for all sites
  • Pro­cess opti­mi­sa­ti­on and increa­sed pro­duc­ti­vi­ty by eli­mi­na­ting sources of loss
To the pro­ject report
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