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Protect nature in the steineggwald forest

Tog­e­ther with the wild­life trust WWF, we used our free Satur­day for working on a Natu­re pro­tec­tion assign­ment in the “Stein­egg­wald”, a forest near St. Gal­len. “Impa­ti­ens glan­du­li­fera” is an inva­si­ve plant spe­ci­es that pro­pa­ga­tes mas­si­ve­ly in spar­se­ly cover­ed wood­lands, poten­ti­al­ly dis­pla­cing dome­stic vege­ta­ti­on. Himi­la­y­an Bal­sam, as the plant is also cal­led, may beco­me so domi­nant that young pine trees as well as other important plants stand no chan­ce of gro­wing around them. We pul­led out the inva­si­ve impa­ti­ens glan­du­li­fera. This helps pro­mo­te the growth of other young plants, resto­ring the natu­ral struc­tu­re of the woods and giving the soil grea­ter long-term sta­bi­li­ty. WWF has been working on upgrading this forest area sin­ce 2016.

Our best thanks go to the Schmid Team for their gre­at effort!

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