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Farewell Karl

After more than 43 years of ser­vice for Schmid Auto­ma­ti­on AG, Karl Zol­ler tran­si­tio­ned into reti­re­ment today. The mana­ging direc­tor and owner Simon Sau­ter thanks Karl in the name of all col­le­agues, the lea­der­ship-team and the board of direc­tors for Karls relent­less efforts, his loyal­ty and his gre­at con­tri­bu­ti­on for the suc­cessful deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pa­ny. “We will miss you tre­men­dous­ly and we look for­ward to see­ing you at any time back here”, says Simon. Karl star­ted 4 Feb 1980 as a so-cal­led inter­na­tio­nal elec­tri­cal fit­ter, he then moved into the soft­ware depart­ment, first as a pro­gramm­er, then as team lead and head of depart­ment. For the second half of his care­er, Karl loo­ked after our valued cli­ents. In that role. he mana­ged the Ger­man branch office in Augs­burg. “ I always had a very inte­re­st­ing time, full of new and chan­ging chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties and never a dull moment”, Karl reflects and bids good bye.

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