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LANDI Sense Düdingen, Düdingen, Switzerland

As part of the moder­nizati­on pro­ject, the relay con­trol system of the silo plant from 1969, 1974 and 1980 was…

LANDI Moossee, Urtenen-Schönbühl, Switzerland

As part of the moder­nizati­on pro­ject, the con­trol system of the silo system from 1971 was repla­ced with a new,…

Orior Management AG, Zürich, Switzerland

Up to now, good quan­ti­ties and error pat­terns with down­ti­mes of the 50 pack­a­ging and fil­ling lines at the seven…

ZHAW, Wädenswil, Switzerland

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­en­ces of Zurich (ZHAW) is cons­truc­ting a new buil­ding for the Insti­tu­te for Food and Beverage…

Brouwerij Frontaal, Netherland

The new plant con­sists of a grist mill with silo and big-bag sto­rage. A ful­ly auto­ma­ted 60hl bre­w­hou­se with four…

Palatia Malz GmbH, Kreimbach, Germany

For com­ple­te and up-to-date docu­men­ta­ti­on accor­ding to ISO9001, all elec­tri­cal dia­grams were new­ly crea­ted in digi­tal form. The new form…

Palatia Malz GmbH, Kreimbach, Germany

The ger­mi­na­ti­on plant to be moder­nis­ed at the Kreim­bach fac­to­ry com­pri­ses two Laus­mann ger­mi­na­ti­on lines, each with a capa­ci­ty of…

Kunz Kunath AG, Weinfelden, Switzerland

The exi­sting con­trol system and mecha­nics from 1970 was con­ver­ted during run­ning ope­ra­ti­on. For such a refur­bish­ment ope­ra­ti­on at the…

Karl Bindewald GmbH, Bischheim, Germany

The customer’s requi­re­ment was to bring tog­e­ther all silo con­trol, mal­ting and labo­ra­to­ry data on a uni­form plat­form. It should…

Oro de Cacao AG, Freienbach, Switzerland

In Frei­en­bach in the can­ton of Schwyz, inve­stors around Die­ter Mei­er built a modern cho­co­la­te fac­to­ry that pro­du­ces the finest…

Avangard Malz Bremen Plant, Germany

The con­trol system for three new 180to ger­mi­na­ti­on boxes and two new 180to kilns were deli­ver­ed. Each unit is controlled…

Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA, Switzerland

The ope­ra­tio­nal and safe­ty equip­ment BSA on the pro­ject peri­me­ter of the N01/42,46 bet­ween junc­tions Zurich-North and Eff­re­ti­kon is to…

DURST MALZ, Gernsheim, Germany

An exi­sting ger­mi­na­ti­on box was total­ly refur­bis­hed, both mecha­ni­cal­ly and in terms of con­trol tech­no­lo­gy. The round box is designed…

Käserei Nietlispach AG, Untereggen, Switzerland

The exi­sting con­trol system from the 1990s was repla­ced by a modern pro­cess con­trol system. The enti­re PLC hard­ware was…

Piasten GmbH, Forchheim, Germany

Who does not love them, cho­co­la­tes with bran­dy, rum, whis­ky and other finest bran­dies. The exi­sting plant and con­trol system…

Thatchers Cider, Sandford, UK

Ful­ly auto­ma­tic cross-flow mem­bra­ne fil­tra­ti­on system with unfil­tra­te and fil­tra­te buf­fer tanks. In addi­ti­on, our scope of deli­very com­pri­sed the…

Meyerhans Mühlen AG, Weinfelden, Switzerland

Up to now, the sun­flower seed oil used in pro­duc­tion was pro­vi­ded by exchan­ging IBC tanks. Now a tank for…

Alp Transit San Gottardo SA, Switzerland

Our cus­to­mer Sie­mens Mobi­li­ty AG was ent­ru­sted with sup­p­ly­ing the ven­ti­la­ti­on system for the Ceneri Base Tun­nel in Switz­er­land. As…

Brouwerij The Musketeers, Belgium

A new bre­w­hou­se was built in the bre­wery. Our cus­to­mer Rolec sup­plied plant sec­tions such as the malt sto­rage silo…

Bioforce AG, Roggwil, Switzerland

The Bio­f­orce AG com­pa­ny is expan­ding its orga­nic drugs pro­duc­tion in Rogg­wil. Our cus­to­mer J&E Mai­er AG sup­plied the pomace…

Mouterij Dingemans, Stabroek, Belgium

A com­ple­te­ly new Laus­mann line was erec­ted next to the exi­sting malt­house. The plant inclu­des a kiln, six ger­mi­na­ti­on boxes…

Blue Point Brewing Company, Long Island NYUSA

The Blue Point Bre­wing Com­pa­ny built a new bre­wery. Our cus­to­mer ROLEC sup­plied the fol­lo­wing plant sec­tions: malt sto­rage silo…

CSL Bering

Our cus­to­mer Fil­trox AG sup­plied 13 fil­ter pres­ses to CSL Bering. Four were deli­ver­ed to Ger­ma­ny, eight to the United…

ARA Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

The plant was upgraded both bio­lo­gi­cal­ly and mecha­ni­cal­ly. The focus was on the repla­ce­ment of the bio­lo­gy by a state-of-the-art…

Coop, Gossau SG, Switzerland

Up to now, the sun­flower seed oil used in pro­duc­tion was pro­vi­ded by exchan­ging IBC tanks. Now a tank for…

Gemeindewerke Pfäffikon ZH, Switzerland

Tog­e­ther with IDS Schweiz AG, we were award­ed the con­tract for the migration/updating of the enti­re net­work­con­trol tech­no­lo­gy of the…

Abwasserverband Altenrhein, Switzerland

In an initi­al pha­se, the FB con­trol system was upgraded. The second pha­se com­pri­sed the cons­truc­tion of the 4thpurification stage.…

Abwasserverband Altenrhein, Switzerland

The sewers and com­bi­ned waste water sewers fee­ding the sewa­ge tre­at­ment plant have a length of 334 kilo­me­t­res. This network…

Karl Bindewald Kupfermühle GmbH, Bischheim, Germany

For incre­a­sing the capa­ci­ty from 40,000 t/year to as much as 105,000 t/year at the company’s site in Bisch­heim, the…

Piasten GmbH, Forchheim, Germany

The con­trol system for mixing semi-finis­hed pro­ducts used in making cho­co­la­tes, sweets and dra­geés is a core unit in the…

Biogen, Solothurn, Switzerland

Befo­re begin­ning their tasks, start-up engi­neers and plant ope­ra­tors must be trai­ned to use the Del­taV system. Zenith Tech­no­lo­gies Switzerland…

St.Galler Stadtwerke, St. Gallen, Switzerland

St.Galler Stadt­wer­ke, the muni­ci­pal uti­li­ty of St.Gallen, is con­ti­nuous­ly updating its trans­for­mer sta­ti­ons throug­hout the city area. In the process,…

LANDI Seeland AG, Aarberg, Switzerland

The bulk sto­rage silo in Aar­berg built in 1982 is owned by the agri­cul­tu­ral co-ope­ra­ti­ve LANDI See­land AG. Its capacity…

UFA, Herzogenbuchsee, Switzerland

The com­ple­te plant in Hof­matt com­pri­sing the bulk sto­rage silo and the feed mill was updated bet­ween 2006 and 2010.…

Getreide Züri Nord, Niederhasli, Switzerland

The plant con­sists of two sec­tions, Inta­ke 1 and the Mill. The Mill still uses the silo bins for storage.…

Drying Co-operative Sensebezirk, Tafers, Switzerland

The plant con­sists of two dry­ing lines. They date back to the years 1982 and 1992 and used to be…

Hardenberg-Wilthen AG, Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany

The plant con­sists of a small-sca­le crus­hing system inclu­ding a malt con­vey­or. The crus­hing system was rebuilt becau­se the distillery…

Heineken, Chur, Switzerland

We have part­ne­red with Hei­ne­ken Switz­er­land for 20 years now. We main­tain the con­trol systems of the bre­wing hou­se and…

Schützengarten, St. Gallen, Switzerland

The fil­tra­ti­on system con­sists of a kie­selg­uhr (diato­mace­ous earth) and PVPP fil­ter. The plant dates back to the year 1989.…

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