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Online commissioning during Covid19

Due to tra­vel rest­ric­tions, our soft­ware engi­neer Remo is curr­ent­ly com­mis­sio­ning a brew hou­se in Rus­sia from the com­fort of his office. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with ROLEC who sup­plied the new plant this is hap­pe­ning online. We asked Remo a cou­ple of questions:

Mar­cel: Who are the mem­bers of this online com­mis­sio­ning team?

Remo:  The com­mis­sio­ning team con­sists of two brew masters and a pro­ject mana­ger from ROLEC and me. One brew master is on-site in Rus­sia; the other team mem­bers are eit­her in the home-office or in their offices in Ger­ma­ny and Switz­er­land, respectively.

Mar­cel: What does online com­mis­sio­ning look like? What does a typi­cal work­day look like?

Remo:  Every mor­ning the team meets at a pre-set time whe­re the tasks for the day are agreed on. We then gui­de? the on-site brew master through the com­mis­sio­ning pro­cess while the other team mem­bers are available online to ans­wer any que­sti­on the brew master might have.

Mar­cel: Can you ima­gi­ne to com­mis­si­on plants like this post coro­na? What are the pre­re­qui­si­tes for a suc­cessful commissioning?

Remo:  For star­ters, the time dif­fe­rence bet­ween loca­ti­ons can­not be too big. In our case, we have a time dif­fe­rence of three hours. What is dif­fi­cult though, is, that it is not easy to get a fee­ling for the plant. You do not hear or see what hap­pens if you ask the brew master to initia­te a par­ti­cu­lar action. In addi­ti­on, the lack of direct cont­act with the cus­to­mer makes it chal­len­ging to react direct­ly and straight­for­ward­ly. To imple­ment hand­shakes or to iden­ti­fy elec­tri­cal faults can quick­ly beco­me a huge challenge.

Having said that, with smal­ler plants, an online and remo­te com­mis­sio­ning is defi­ni­te­ly wort­hwhile checking out and the­r­e­fo­re tra­vel effort may be redu­ced. Howe­ver, I think plants with a cer­tain size and cer­tain com­ple­xi­ty should still be com­mis­sio­ned on-site.

The only real advan­ta­ge is that I can sleep in my own bed! 🙂

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