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Operation at the “open heart”

Kunz Kun­ath AG moder­nis­ed the mecha­nics and con­trol system of silo 72 during ope­ra­ti­on. Silo 72 sup­plies the pro­duc­tion with raw mate­ri­als. To ensu­re con­ti­nuous pro­duc­tion, the pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts rebuilt the plant com­pon­ents in just a few days and put them into ope­ra­ti­on. The moder­ni­sa­ti­on requi­red eight stages. In addi­ti­on to the pro­cess auto­ma­ti­on, the cus­to­mer ent­ru­sted us with the over­all pro­ject manage­ment. We would like to thank Kunz Kun­ath AG for their trust. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on and pic­tures about the pro­ject in our pro­ject report.

To the pro­ject report
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