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Digitisation, data recording and tracing

Seam­less data recor­ding and tracea­bi­li­ty is a regu­la­to­ry requi­re­ment in the grain pro­ces­sing or food indu­stry. Today, many com­pa­nies still rely on manu­al solu­ti­ons, which part­ly con­sist of data silos and paper. Due to incre­a­sing requi­re­ments, the cost of qua­li­ty of main­tai­ning manu­al systems is rising. The immense effort invol­ved in data ana­ly­sis should not be igno­red. With plat­forms that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly cap­tu­re all data digi­tal­ly and eva­lua­te it cen­tral­ly, mas­si­ve amounts of time and money can be saved.

Our cus­to­mer Karl Bin­de­wald GmbH took up the chall­enge and digi­ta­li­sed the malt pro­duc­tion. More infor­ma­ti­on in the pro­ject report.

To the pro­ject report
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